
Welcome to the Wellesley Conservation Land Trust, Inc. (WCLT), formerly known as the Wellesley Conservation Council. The WCLT is a private, non-profit, land trust and conservation education organization incorporated in 1958.

The mission of the WCLT is to:

  • Protect and preserve the natural environment in Wellesley
  • Maintain sanctuaries open to the public for study and enjoyment
  • Educate youth and interest adults in matters of conservation

Learn more about WCLT and our History


Upcoming Events

Please join us this coming year for a full calendar of our annual organized events and new educational programs. Of course, we will continue our spring and fall lectures, spring geology walk, autumn Cronk’s Open House, May bird walks, Nancy’s Fairy and Troll House construction at Pickle Point for young families during Wellesley Wonderful Weekend, summer bat walk, autumn walk at Guernsey Sanctuary, and frequent invasive removal and trail maintenance efforts.

For further information, please check back here often and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. And always, get out and enjoy the beauty and peace of the nature in our towns.