Spring 2009: Responsible Gardening for the 21st Century: The Sustainable Landscape

Spring 2009: Responsible Gardening for the 21st Century: The Sustainable Landscape


All Day

Event Type

Presented by Marie Stella
Landscape Historian and Landscape Designer
Co-sponsored by the Wellesley Garden Study Group and the Natural Resources Commission

Photo by Oehme and Van Sweden
A sustainable landscape addresses the needs of the present community without negatively impacting the ability of future residents of the area to meet their needs. This lecture detailed the road we must take to restore our ecological systems. It addressed environmental awareness and sought to highlight innovative ways to use plant material to clean our air, soil and water, and predicted that the 21 st century will witness a new and exciting role for plants on the cutting edge of landscape restoration.

Photo by Marie Stella
Integrated environmentally-engineered systems are distinguished for their incisive design, their harmony of art and engineering. This approach promotes both the wise use of water resources and the genetic diversity of plant material. Heirloom and unusual varieties of herbs, vegetables, fruits and flowers, steeped in long histories, bind us to our past. To enable our plants to cope with future environmental stresses.we must strive to preserve their full range of genetic possibilities.

Ms. Stella holds graduate certificates in Landscape Design and Landscape Design History from Radcliffe College, Harvard University